Affiliate Marketing Courses That Actually Work!

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Does affiliate marketing courses really work? Or are they a scam? A good affiliate marketing training program will teach you, that to make money online (passive income) you have to put time or money into it. If someone tells you that you don’t have to put in time or money into it. They are lying to you and it is a scam!

There are fake online training programs out there and I want to help you avoid them. In this blog post, I give reviews on different affiliate marketing training programs that I have either taken or have spent time researching. I am not going to recommend a training program that I wouldn’t take myself. Taking a training program like one of these is an investment in yourself, just as you would take a college course. Except these classes are far cheaper than taking a college course and you will receive more results without the college loans!

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Real affiliate marketing training courses will teach you the ins and outs of the process and tools they use. Actual training will explain to you that this process is not a get rich quick scheme, to make money online (passive income) you have to put effort into it and it will require patients. You will need to be patient and you will have to accept that you will need to work with the mindset of delayed gratification.

I know that is hard, but if that is not your thing, then making money online is not for you. These training programs want you to be successful because it also helps them prove that the training program works, and everyone wins! Who doesn’t like a win-win! Most of the training below offer free trials to their courses so you can see if their program will fit with your affiliate marketing goals.

Super Affiliate System by John Crestani

John Crestani has been around the affiliate world for many years and has helped thousands of students start their own affiliate marketing businesses. In the members’ area, the first video is a welcome introduction as to how to course will work. The big emphasis is on communication and you’re told about the numerous contact methods John and his team uses. You can expect emails, calls, and Facebook messenger notifications, from them to coach you, they aren’t obtrusive.

You’re also told about John’s weekly webinar which at the time of writing is every week on Friday at 3 pm PST. During this webinar you can talk with John live, he’s going to look over your work and help you out. The course’s primary goal is to help you be a paid traffic expert marketer within 6 weeks. Across these six weeks, you’ll get access to 50 hours of content videos across the A-to-Z affiliate spectrum.

Another reason to consider buying this course is it’s regularly updated and you’ll be grandfathered into any new versions without having to pay again to access the new material. Another benefit is all the files, templates, swipes, case studies, ad copies, and winning campaign materials John includes for all his members. Just make sure that you do not copy and paste them into your own website or ad accounts, every member is likely to be doing that. You’re going to need to customize them a little bit, at least. I have learned a lot from this program and update strategies are added all the time!

Click here to take the Super Affiliate System Course!

Get your free Network Marketing Secrets book today!

Pathway to Passive by Affilorama

Affilorama’s Pathway to Passive is a great place to start for new affiliates who want to save months learning how to build a successful, high-quality, long-lasting affiliate website while earning passive income. This is a great value, and easy to follow for new affiliates who wish to save time and frustrations in learning this process. You will learn to build a search engine optimized website, how to find a profitable niche market, and how to find profitable affiliate products to sell in that niche.

How to choose the kind of content to add to your affiliate blog that has the combination of relatively low competition and high-profit potential. The key here is choosing keywords to include in your content that attracts people that are most likely to buy what you are offering. How to get authority websites to link to your affiliate blog.

This is an important consideration for elevating your standing in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Learning how to attract authority backlinks by creating content that people will want to share is the name of the game. So if you are completely new to affiliate marketing, Pathway to Passive may just be the thing you need to launch yourself in the right direction from day one.

Click here to take the Pathway to Passive Course!

Build your dream business

Affilorama by Mark Ling

Affilorama is one of the longest-running affiliate marketing courses you can get your hands on. This course created by Mark Ling who built his own successful business by following these exact same strategies that he now teaches. Members also get help and support on their learning journey to building a profitable affiliate marketing business model from scratch. Affilorama is one of the largest affiliate marketing training websites out there, with a community of over 300,000 members worldwide. All of the training on offer form Affilorama is uncomplicated, to the point, and easy to follow. It is similar to how Authority Hacker put their courses together. You are taught ethical business practices that will keep the search engines on-side.

Affilorama offers free memberships to affiliate marketers, which is great if you are just starting out. As a free member, you get access to a host of content and training in the form of blog articles and videos. You also get free access to a suite of powerful online tools with basic options. They do have more advanced options and training but for a price. The paid membership will get you all the tools, hosting, website builder, and everything else you need to see results and start building a successful internet marketing business.

Click here to check out Affilorama training!

Affiliate Marketing Courses That Actually Work

6 Figure Mentor (SFM) Program by Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek

You will gain some great online marketing skills from the SFM training. Their tool makes launching your websites as simple as possible. SFM holds live weekly training, recorded training, training modules, your own senior business coach, Digital Business Lounge Premium Membership, live event eligibility (events held throughout the year in US, UK, AUS, CAN), and access to private Community Site. SFM and its other training programs offer members the opportunity to affiliate market their own product, with high retail values, you have an opportunity to earn while you learn.

Click here to check out the 6 Figure Mentors course!

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Pin to Profits by McKinzie Bean from Moms Make Cents

This training course is great if you are going to do affiliate marketing with Pinterest. I have personally have taken some of her other training courses too. You will learn how to do marketing on Pinterest, optimize your account, how to do branding for your Pinterest account, pin affiliate tips for bloggers.

The strategies McKinzie teaches in her course will help you be successful if you plan to use Pinterest in your affiliate marketing plan. This course was easy to go through and wasn’t overwhelming. You will learn techniques to implement immediately on your blog.

The Facebook group members actively engage with posts, ask questions, provide help, and mentorship. She is active in the group and let you pick her brain for free. That’s like having a high-powered consultant on speed dial. This is a great course for beginners and those who are going to use Pinterest as part of their marketing strategy.

Click here to take the Pin to Profits Course!

Get your free Network Marketing Secrets book today!

Still, feeling a little lost in when it comes to blogging!? Don’t feel bad, I had the same struggles when I create my first blog too. I have some free templates and checklists that can help you with getting past everyday blogging hurdles. Do you want to learn more? Click here to get your free templates and checklists.

Not Recommend Affiliate Marketing Training Courses

These training courses I would not personally recommend because they are really expensive and/or lacking the necessary training content. I would not want you to waste your time or money on these courses.

123 Affiliate Marketing (Really expensive!)
Wealthy Affiliate (I don’t agree with some of their business practices.)
Drop Ship Lifestyle (Super Affiliate System cover this information.)
Profits 2 Passion Accelerator
12 Minute Affiliate Training
(There is better training out there.)

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I make a commission from purchases made through links in my posts, at no extra cost to you. Read my disclosure for more information.

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2 thoughts on “Affiliate Marketing Courses That Actually Work!”

  1. 1 star
    Are you writing the articles in your website yourself
    or you outsource them? I am a blogger and having difficulty
    with content. Other bloggers told me I should use an AI
    content writer, they are actually pretty good. Here is a sample article
    some bloggers shared with me. Please let me know what your opinion on it and should I go ahead and use AI.

    1. I write all my articles myself. I know big-time bloggers do outsource some or all of their blog writing to a freelancer or a paid staff member on their team. The upside to an AI is that it is cheaper than paying for a writer. The downside of using an AI to write your blog posts is that you will lose the personality part of your writing. People want to connect with people, that is why they come to your blog to connect with you. I hope this helps.

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