Blogging & Resources

When I was first asked by my readers to starting writing about how I learned to make money online. I didn’t realize it was going to turn into a blog series. As I have learned so many new things about making money online, I find that there is more information and resources to share with you.

Before I even got started with affiliate marketing or making money online for that matter. I did months of research on how to make money online. I always want to learn how something works or learn more, on what it is about before moving forward with a decision.

Since you are visiting my blog you are curious too and I am happy you are here! Starting to making money online, by building an online business is a sensually what you are doing. It is a big step in any one’s life. It is exciting and scary all at the same time!

I always want to run my own business but was never sure how I want to do it. The great thing about building your business online is that you can control the costs of your business. You control how your business grows by how much work you put into it. I want to help you by sharing everything I learned and I will update my posts and add new posts as I learn more on this topic.

How To Get Approved For A Pinterest Verified Merchant Program Account?

What do you need to know before you can get approved for your Pinterest Verified Merchant Program Account? I wanted to know the answer to this question. So, I could put together a quick and easy illustrated tutorial on the requirements and benefits to the Verified Merchant Program that Pinterest is offering. I will cover everything you need to about how to signing up and approved for the Pinterest Verified Merchant Program….

How to Make Money Online Without A Blog?

So, what are the best resources to make money online? You want to get into affiliate marketing but you don’t want to start a blog. That’s ok, you don’t have to start a blog to do affiliate marketing! However, you will still need a static website. You may be thinking, I don’t know how to code!? Don’t worry I have you covered!

Starting an Online Store vs a Physical Store: Pros and Cons Chart

So you want to open your own store but don’t know where to start? Should you open a physical storefront or do you want to start an online store instead? In this review, I will be comparing starting an online store vs a physical store. Both business models have their pros and cons but which one is the best for you?

Resources To Start Your First Blog For Beginners

When you decide to start your first blog, where do you start? What resources are successful blogger using and where can find them? I am going to share with you the tools and services I used when I created my first blog. Most of the resources I started out with are free or have a free trial which is great!

Shopify Review: Why should I use Shopify? 

You want to start an online store but you don’t know where to start. Should you build your own website from scratch or partner with an online store service? In this Shopify review, I will help you answer these questions and more…

What Is Shopify and How To Use It?

When you do decide to start an online store, which one will give you the most support as a business owner? I would say Shopify would be at the top of my list. So what is Shopify, you may ask? …

How To Start An Online Store? 4 Options To Choose From

Are you consider learning more about how to start an online store? When you decide to start an online store, where do you start? Using an online store service is an easier way to get started, instead of creating your own website. It would be best to choose an online store service that has an affiliate program?

Affiliate Marketing Courses That Actually Work!

Does affiliate marketing courses really work? Or are they a scam? A good affiliate marketing training program will teach you, that to make money online (passive income) you have to put time or money into it. If someone tells you that you don’t have to put in time or money into it. They are lying to you and it is a scam!


Michelle|Nerdy Moms United

Hi! I’m Michelle, a nerdy mom, and proud of it! I encourage and show moms how to start their own business online to make money from home. I know for some, technology can be an overwhelming thing but if you already know to use a smartphone and the internet, then I can teach you how to build your own business! It doesn’t matter if you are a mom that works outside the home or a stay at home mom, you all have something to offer! About

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